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Two Officers Dead, One injured in Palm Springs Shooting–Suspect at Large

The suspect in the killing of two police officers Saturday afternoon allegedly told his father he wanted to kill cops moments before the gunfire began.

Frances Serrano, who lives directly across the street from where the shooting took place, spoke to the father of the suspected shooter moments before the incident. The father told Serrano that his son, who has mental issues, had a gun and wanted to shoot police officers.

“He came over and asked for help,” she said.

Serrano called the police and the father walked back toward his house. Soon after, Serrano heard gunshots.

2 Officers Killed, 1 Wounded In Palm Springs Shooting; Suspect At Large

Update from Associated Press:
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on the shooting of three police officers in Palm Springs. (all times local):

6:45 p.m.

Police Chief Bryan Reyes says SWAT officers have surrounded a house in Palm Springs, California where the man who fatally shot two officers may still be inside.

Reyes says he’s holding off on revealing the suspect’s name until he confers with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, which is now heading the shooting investigation.

The chief also released more information on the slain officers.

Twenty-seven-year-old Lesley Zerebny had recently returned to the force from maternity leave and was the mother of a 4-month-old daughter.

Jose Gilbert Vega, a father of eight, was a 35-year veteran of the force who was scheduled to retire in December.

No update was given on the condition of the third wounded officer.

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP/KWCH) Palm Springs Police Chief Bryan Reyes confirms two officers died in the shootings Saturday afternoon.

Reyes said the two were responding to a “family disturbance” at a home when they were shot at.

Police have not released the name or a description of the suspect. They say he is still at large and a number of agencies are pursuing several leads.

“I am awake in a nightmare right now,” Reyes said at a news conference where he confirmed the deaths of the officers.

Reyes identified the officers as Jose Gilbert-Vega, a 35-year veteran of the police force, and Leslie Zerebny, who has worked for the department for a year and a half. The third officer is recovering in the hospital and assisting officers with the investigation, Reyes said.

The investigation centers on a home near where the shooting took place. Various agencies have surrounded the home.


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