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More than 800,000 Porn accounts leaked online

You have to worry if you have an online account with the porn entertainment website Brazzers  . Recent leak in Brazzers website shows that hackers have leaked more than 800,000 user details in a data breach. Hackers managed to obtain subscribers details from a Brazzers forum site.

According to tech site Motherboard has said that, “The leaked information contains 790,724 email addresses and plaintext passwords.”

Matt Stevens (Brazzers public relations manager) said that, “This matches an incident which occurred in 2012 with our ‘Brazzersforum,’ which was managed by a third party. The incident occurred because of a vulnerability in the said third party software, the ‘vBulletin‘ software, and not Brazzers itself.”
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“Note that the data provided contains many duplicates and non-functional accounts. We banned all non-active accounts in that list in case those usernames and passwords are re-used in the future.”

“Brazzers takes the privacy and safety of its users very seriously,” he added.


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