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Clinton calls media coverage of campaign 'frustrating'

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday vented her frustrations with the media’s coverage of her presidential campaign at her first press conference in almost 10 months. Speaking to reporters from a tarmac in White Plains, N.Y., Clinton said that she believes Republican rival Donald Trump is getting more favorable treatment than he deserves. “I’ve been somewhat heartened by articles recently pointing out the disparate treatment of Trump and his campaign compared to ours — I don’t understand the reasons,” Clinton said. “I find it frustrating, but it’s part of the landscape we live in and we keep forging ahead.” "I’m not asking for any special treatment," she added. "I know the road that I’m on. I’ve been on it for 25 years and I just get up and keep moving forward." The Democratic nominee said it is difficult for the press to cover Trump because he says “outrageous things on a regular basis,” but encouraged reporters to hold him to a higher standard. “I know it may be difficult to feel you know exactly how to respond to some of his behavior, but we’re on the brink of making a very critical decision for our country,” Clinton said. It had been 278 days since Clinton last held a formal press conference. Republicans had seized on the issue, accusing her of hiding from the public and trying to run out the clock to Election Day. Clinton spent almost all of August off the campaign trail at swanky fundraisers or holed up with briefing materials in preparation for the first presidential debate later this month. She has been more accessible since Labor Day, when she first began traveling on the same airplane as the embedded reporters covering her campaign.

Clinton stepped into the back cabin for brief, informal gaggles with reporters twice this week, but Thursday marked her first proper press conference in about 10 months.


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